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Miki Pulley BXL Models | TKK Corporation

Miki Pulley BXL Models


Model Size Static friction torque Ts [N・m] Coil (at 20℃) Heat resistance class Max. rotation speed [min-1 Rotating part moment of inertia J [kg・m2 Allowable braking energy rate Pbaℓ [W] Total braking energy ET [J] Armature pull-in time ta [s] Armature release time tar [s] Mass [kg]
Voltage [V] Wattage [W] Current [A] Resistance [Ω]
BXL-06-10 06 2 DC24 15 0.63 38.4 F 5000 3.75×10-5 58.3 2.0×107 0.035 0.020 0.9
DC45 12 0.27 169
DC90 0.13 677
BXL-08-10 08 4 DC24 23 0.94 25.6 F 5000 6.25×10-5 91.7 3.5×107 0.040 0.020 1.3
DC45 18 0.41 110
DC90 0.21 440
BXL-10-10 10 8 DC24 27 1.14 21.1 F 4000 13.75×10-5 108.3 6.2×107 0.050 0.025 2.3
DC45 25 0.54 83.0
DC90 0.27 331
BXL-12-10 12 16 DC24 35 1.46 16.2 F 3600 33.75×10-5 133.3 9.0×107 0.070 0.030 3.4
DC90 30 0.33 271
BXL-16-10 16 22 DC24 39 1.64 14.6 F 3000 7.35×10-4 183.3 11.4×107 0.100 0.035 5.4
DC90 0.43 207

*The armature pull-in time and armature release time are taken during DC switching.
*See the operating characteristics page for the armature pull-in time and release time during AC-side switching (half-wave rectifi ed).


Unit [mm]
Size A B C D E F H I J K L M N R S T U a d b t
06 83 73 73 28 26.5 22 3 10 20.5 39.5 14 33.6 20 4.5 9 2-M5 30° 0.15 11 4 1.5
08 96 86 86 35 32 25 3 12 20 41 17 35 20.8 5.5 10 2-M5 30° 0.15 14 5 2
10 116 104 104 42 38 30 3 9.5 21 47.5 25 41 25.3 6.5 12 2-M6 30° 0.2 19 6 2.5
12 138 124 124 50 45 35 4 12 19 49.8 30 43.5 23.3 6.5 12 2-M6 30° 0.2 24 8 3
16 158 142 143 59 55 45 4 14 22.5 57.5 35 51 27.7 9 15 2-M8 40° 0.25 28 8 3