TSUBAKI Bulk Handling Systems
A variety of bucket elevators are used in the cement industry for vertically conveying bulk materials. Tsubaki can provide complete bulk handling systems.
Tsubaki NB Bucket Elevator
Tsubaki NB Bucket Elevator is a continuous Induction discharge-type elevator, which has three types NBC, NBS and NBH.
The most appropriate model will be determined based on materials conveyed.
Tsubaki NBF Bucket Elevator
Tsubaki NBF Bucket Elevator is a continuous Induction discharge-type elevator, which is suitable for handling a small and intermediate amount of materials such as rice, oats, soybean, maize, feed auxiliary materials, feed etc.
Tsubaki NBK Bucket Elevator
Tsubaki NBK Bucket Elevator is a centrifugal discharge-type belt bucket elevator, which is suitable for handling grain, food, feed auxiliary materials and feed products.
Dust-proof, noise-controlled and preventative measure of dust explosion are equipped.