In order to supply environment-friendly products to customers, we finished to make all Koganei-brand products comply with the RoHS Directive of EU and ship them from July 1st, 2006.
We attach the identification mark ‘E’ to RoHS-compliant products, and all products to be shipped from Koganei carry this mark ‘E’ from July 1st, 2006.
Our products are being sold via sales agents or distributors. Therefore, products in stock there will gradually change to the RoHS-compliant products. However, we can supply the RoHS-compliant products to you for all your orders if you request so. After delivery, please check the identification mark ‘E’ at your place.
If you have any questions regarding how to order and the identification mark, contact Koganei Overseas Department, contact your nearest Koganei Sales Office or our Technical Service Center.