YAMAHA Robotics – Controller
ตัวแทนจำหน่าย Yamaha robot
Industrial robots
Yamaha SCARA Robot

TS-S2 is a single axis, incremental, robot positioner that can store up to 255 points and remotely controlled via a PLC. The TS-S2 controller supports EtherNET IP in addition to the BD (Belt), RF (Rotary) and STH (Small Slide) Transervo product families.

The TS-X is a cost effective points positioner marketed specifically to control our flag ship cartesian robots, the AC servo motor FLIP-X series. This controller uses the easy to use TS-Manager software to teach position and allows the end user to remotely recall the positions via BCD (binary coded decimal) I/O signaling from a PLC.

The TS-P is a cost effective points positioner marketed specifically to control our high precision robots, the AC linear motor PHASER series. This controller uses the easy to use TS-Manager software to teach position and allows the end user to remotely recall the positions via BCD (binary coded decimal) I/O signaling from a PLC.

The RCX-240 is our flagship, high-performance, “swiss army knife” robot controller, typically used as a four-axis controller for AC type servomotors. This controller is used for any robot configuration in the Yamaha robotics line up. Used in conjunction with an SR-1 single axis controller acting as a slave, the RCX-240 can be expanded up to 8-axis and programmed with VIP+ software. EtherNet/IP, DeviceNet, CC Link and Profibus are fieldbus options that are available.

The RCX-240S is a cost effective, lower wattage, high-performance robot controller, typically used as a four-axis controller for AC type servomotors. This controller has the exact same features as the RCX-240 controller only a lower 10 amp rating per motor axis used primarily for the Global Platform Series SCARA robots. This controller is programmed with VIP+ software. EtherNet/IP, DeviceNet, CC Link and Profibus are fieldbus options that are available.

The RCX-222 is a high-performance robot controller, typically used as a dual axis controller for AC type servomotor for the FLIP-X family. Methods of integration include, I/O point tracing via BCD, field bus remote commands, or RS-232 via ASCII communications. This controller is programmed with VIP+ software.

The RCX-221 is a high-performance robot controller, typically used as a dual axis controller for AC linear type servomotors for the PHASER family. Methods of integration include, I/O point tracing via BCD, field bus remote commands, or RS-232 via ASCII communications. This controller is programmed with VIP+ software.

The SR1-X is a high-performance robot controller, typically used as a single axis controller for AC type servomotor for the FLIP-X family. Methods of integration include, I/O point tracing via BCD, field bus remote commands, or RS-232 via ASCII communications. The SR1-X can also be slaved to an RCX-240 controller for multi axis robot cells that would feature, 5th, 6th, 7th or 8th axis robot control.

The SR1-P is a high-performance robot controller, typically used as a single axis controller for AC linear type servomotors for the PHASER family. Methods of integration include, I/O point tracing via BCD, field bus remote commands, or RS-232 via ASCII communications. The SR1-P can also be slaved to an RCX-240 controller for multi axis robot cells that would feature, 5th, 6th, 7th or 8th axis robot control.

The ERCD is a powerful tiny single axis controller, typically used as a single axis controller for DC type servo motors for the FLIP-X family. Methods of integration include, I/O point tracing via BCD, RS-232 via ASCII communication and pulse train operation. The pulse train option can be connected to any PLC or third party motion controller and act as a slave axis.