Tsubaki Leaf Chain
Comes in two types: AL Series for light loads, and BL Series for heavy loads. Their dimensions and link plate formations are different.
*Special clevises and sheaves are required when using Leaf Chain.
Leaf Chain consists of just link plates and pins. The plates are connected by pins, which receive the tensile forces acting on the chain. The outer plates form a press-fit with the pins, which are riveted.
Meanwhile, the inner plates and middle plates form a slip fit with the pins. The pins pass between the plates and receive the shear forces and slide within the inner plate hole when the chain articulates.
*Press fit
When the shaft is fitted to the hole, it forms a constant interference fit. The hole’s tolerance range is entirely lower than the shaft’s tolerance range.
*Slip fit
When the shaft is fitted to the hole, there is a constant gap in the fit. The hole’s tolerance range is entirely greater than the shaft’s tolerance range.
End fittings
Connecting links, end links, outer links, and inner links can all be used for Leaf Chain end fittings.
End fittings type
1. Connecting link
2. End link
3. Outer link
4. Inner link
Clevises, End pins, and Sheaves
Check and supply the following clevises, end pins, or sheaves for your end fitting connection. Contact a Tsubaki representative with any clevis or end pin requests.