TSUBAKI Top Chains
Plastic Top Chain

Plastic top chains feature one piece molded plates and chain parts connected by a connecting pin. Users can select plate sizes from 50 to 304.8mm to match the size of their conveyed goods.
Series integration (2017.04.01)
We will be integrating ULF Series Plastic Top Chains with the new ALF Series Plastic Top Chains.
Product Lineup
Straight Running
TTP Series
Globally standard shapes usable in a wide variety of applications.
TTPH Series
Uses a comb-shaped plate to minimize the gap between links. Perfect for conveying unstable containers.
TTPT Series
Uses thicker plates than the TTP Series, making it ideal for applications prone to plate wear.
TTPDH Series
Heavy duty chain for heavy duty conveyance. Allows use of single strand chain in operations normally requiring multiple strands.
TTPM Series
Uses 1/2 the chain pitch of traditional plastic chain to reduce conveyor noise and save space in connecting areas.
TPF Series
Has 1.4x the allowable load of TTP Series. Perfect for heavier load conditions.
TP-OTD Series
Has a higher allowable load (1.3x) than TTP Series. Perfect for heavier load operations.
TPS Series
Features 1.4x the allowable load of TTP Series, making it ideal for heavier load operations.
TPH Series
Uses a comb-shaped plate to minimize the gap between links. Perfect for conveying unstable containers.
TPSS Series
Features a higher allowable load (2.3x) than TTP Series. Perfect for heavier load operations.
TPM Series
Uses a 19.265mm chain pitch for reduced conveyor noise and space savings in connecting areas.
TPM-SN Series
Uses the same engagement principle as silent chain for ultra-low noise, stable conveyance (14dB quieter in in-house testing).
TPRF Series
Conveyor chain using a double pitch base chain with plastic plates.
TTUP Series
Standard plastic top chain for sideflexing conveyance. Version of TTP for sideflexing conveyance. (Minimum sideflex radius: 600mm)
TTUPH Series
Chain using comb-shaped plates. Version of TTPH for sideflexing conveyance. (Minimum sideflex radius: 500mm)
Prevents floating in curved sections when used in conjunction with magnetic rails.
TTUPM-H Series
Ideal for preventing chain floating on curved sections when used in combination with magnet-embedded rails.
TTUPS Series
Features 1.8x the allowable load of TTUP Series, making it perfect for heavier load applications.
TTUPS-H Series
Uses a thick top plate for better top plate crack resistance than conventional top chains.
TTUPM-P Series
Has a chain pitch of 12.7mm and a top plate width of 50mm. Effective in creating quieter conveyors and making transfer areas more compact.
Has a smaller link height compared to TPU Series to allow for more compact layouts.
TPUS Series
Features 2.2x the allowable load of TPU Series. With its wide plates, it can be used to convey heavy items.
Curved conveyor chain with float-preventive tabs. Version of TPS Series for sideflexing conveyance. (Minimum sideflex radius: 500mm)
TPUM Series
Features half the pitch of conventional top chains. Version of TPM Series for sideflexing conveyance.
TPU-USR Series
Has a small minimum sideflex radius (190mm), allowing for compact layouts.
Quite effective in preventing floating thanks to its low center of gravity and relatively small sideflex radius.
TPUH-BO Series
Uses a comb-shaped plate to minimize gaps between links. (Minimum sideflex radius: 190mm)
TPUSR Series
Allows for freedom of layout thanks to its small sideflex radius. Perfect for conveying in tight spaces. (Minimum sideflex radius: 150mm)
TP-UB36 Series
Features a small sideflex radius (150mm) allowing for freedom of layout. Perfect for conveying in tight spaces.
TPUN Series
Designed to prevent pivot misassembly. (Minimum sideflex radius: 140mm)
TPUN-LH Series
Matches the link height often found in global markets. (Minimum sideflex radius: 150mm)
TP-50UNS/TP-50UNS-D76 Series
Compact, with a small sideflex radius. Chains with pushers are also available. (Minimum sideflex radius: 150mm)
TP-50UN-T95 Series
Crescent top plates to reduce changes in gaps between top plates on straight and curved sections.
TPCC Series
Simple plastic chain with an offset shape for conveying cases and the like.
Uses a crescent top plate with fixed gaps between links to stop items from getting caught.
Unique chain design, with only minor changes to the gaps between top plates on straight and curved sections.
Snap Top Chain
TN Series
Heavy duty Top Chain with a steel chain base.
TNU Series
Heavy duty curved Top Chain with a steel chain base. (Curved TN Series chain, minimum bending radius 500mm)
Curved conveyor chain with a large allowable load. Uses a comb-like plate to reduce the space before and after the link.
TP-1873-T Series
Curved conveyor chain with a large allowable load. Features a snap-on top plate on a curved roller chain, so just the top plate can be replaced when necessary.
Accumulating chains
Accumulating chain — the rotation of the top rollers provides a 0.10 coefficient of friction with the conveyed items.
For accumulation on curved conveyors, helps reduce line pressure. (Minimum bending radius 610mm)
TP-30UTW-LAP Series
Rotation of rollers on the top plates reduces line pressure.
Coefficient of friction between rollers and conveyed items is at its lowest (0.07).
TP-36UTW-LAP Series
Rotation of rollers on the top plates reduces line pressure.
Coefficient of friction between rollers and conveyed items is at its lowest (0.07).
ST/RT Series Plastic Roller Table
Chain with plastic rollers above the chain’s pitch line. Space between plastic rollers does not change, even when articulating.